Sustenance of Creativity

The creative process is instigated and continuously driven by the explained earlier.
found at . The associated and sustains creativity via a downward flow of influence, asTo
, you must:- Address uncertainty (RG7 ↔ RG6)
- Maintain progress (RG6 ↔ RG5)
- Bring strengths (RG5 ↔ RG4)
- Stimulate inputs (RG4 ↔ RG3)
- Build credibility (RG3 ↔ RG2)
- Unleash drive (RG2 ↔ RG1)
However, this labelling of the links is incomplete because it fails to take account of the tension between the new-and-different and the tried-and-tested. With this dynamism now in place, it is evident that all inter-Level interactions, except the lowest, involve at least two Channels because there are two Centres in at least one of the Levels.
The sustaining flows of influence, that are bi-directional, can now be explored and named.
Address Uncertainty: RG7 ↔ RG6
Uncertainty can only be addressed by
. However, there is a marked difference between becoming immersed in what exists and immersion in the unknown.↔
there are risks. It is impossible to know in advance exactly how to proceed or what will be grasped. It is difficult to know how much time will be needed: aside from a mildly reassuring sense that it will take as long as it takes. Nor is it evident what implications will flow from any discovery or invention. You might well find yourself opening up a pandora's box of tougher challenges that send you back for more courage. If you are not daunted, your creative spirit will say: "If that is what I have to face, so be it!" This Channel is named: Take Risks.

This Channel is named: Value Continuity.
Maintain Progress: RG6 ↔ RG5
Centres in each Level here, and therefore four possible interactions. But only two make sense.
ensures that results in continuing progress, even if slow and painful at times. There are two↔
This Channel is named: Make Breakthroughs.
invariably has a lot to say about how matters should be . There are in existence protocols, conventions, systems, methods, historical experiences and more that need to be understood and applied. While building on the past is unavoidable, learning is not. Learning from the past means actively incorporating relevant aspects into the project and its management. This Channel is named: Ensure Incorporation.
Why isn't ↔ possible?
Why isn't ↔ possible?
Bring Strengths: RG5 ↔ RG4
is naturally associated with as both are about using inner strength in the service of creativity.
, so shrinking back is unacceptable. The requirement here is boldness. After all, the worst that can happen is failure.This Channel is named: Show Boldness.
is often experienced as a distraction from the «real work» i.e. the creative obsession. Yet the encompassing strategy, the financial backing, the quality of the systems, the aesthetics of the presentation or the handling of assistants may be critical to the creative effort. Your means that the contextual work cannot be ignored. In practice, it is never easy to know what is needed to make a sufficient difference. Although the temptation is usually to put too little effort into management, you may be tempted to do too much. Perfectionism can be as much of a hindrance as sloppiness. The only sensible course is to discipline yourself to manage the project to sufficiently high standards. Insofar as others are involved, then your discipline must extend to them as well.This Channel is named: Exert Discipline.
Stimulate Inputs: RG4 ↔ RG3
and feed off each other and lead to you providing necessities for the creative project. Doing so encourages others to provide their inputs: e.g. venture capitalists like to back entrepreneurs who have a personal stake in the business.
This Channel is named: Arouse Excitement.
This Channel is named: Enable Celebration.
Build Credibility: RG3 ↔ RG2
and genuine reflect your confidence in what you are doing. The components of are scrutinized by others as they work out whether or not to believe in you and your project. However, your primary effort must be to persuade yourself.
gains you credibility with others only if they have been won over to your cause, and this requires more than just excitement. One crucial benefit that comes from your various conviction components— —lies in the way that they help others to understand what you are doing, why you are doing it, and how you are proceeding. As others understand and explore with you, you adjust and reinforce your own conviction. So this Channel is named: Develop Understanding.
components. They reveal just how relevant and significant (or sometimes insignificant) the was. components also discriminate amongst events, selecting and highlighting those with most relevance to some issue at hand.So this Channel is named: Reveal Significance.
Unleash Drive: RG2 ↔ RG1
Deepen Conviction-RG2B ↔ Use Willpower-RG1B
Given autonomy,
develops and . Without this drive, neither nor will be sustained. Fortunately the conviction that flows from and naturally unleashes drive.- The effect of interactions that by-pass a Level. is to generate an entanglement with the creative process, especially between the realities within which you operate. The handling of entanglement depends on
Originally posted: 9-Mar-2012